Radix Planter: Tips & Inspiration for a Successful Urban Garden

Our very first outdoor module has finally arrived, and we are more than happy to share with you our tips for maximizing the harvest of your Radix urban planter! Whether you prefer fruits, vegetables, herbs or flowers, here are some combinations to try this summer!

Fruits and vegetables

Do you love the idea of preparing a salad using entirely homegrown ingredients? Here are some combinations we love (and 6 combinations to avoid)!

Our favourite combinations:

  • Cucumbers and basil
  • Cucumbers and lettuce
  • Zucchini and green beans
  • Spinach and thyme
  • Spinach and strawberries
  • Green beans and cucumbers
  • Lettuce and green beans
  • Peppers and parsley
  • Tomatoes and basil
  • Tomatoes and parsley
Place your urban planter near a wall or fence or use a stake to grow your cucumbers and green beans.

Tips & tricks

Some combinations to avoid:

  • Cucumbers and tomatoes
  • Spinach and tomatoes
  • Spinach and peppers
  • Lettuce and spinach
  • Lettuce and parsley
  • Tomatoes and green beans


Planting your favourite herbs in your urban garden is the best way to always have fresh herbs on hand (and to eliminate boring meals forever)!

Some winning combinations:

  • Tarragon, sorrel, parsley, chives and coriander
  • Thyme, bay laurel and rosemary
  • Parsley and chervil
  • Lemongrass and chives
  • Basil and watercress
  • Parsley and chives

Herbs can grow very well indoors, so by moving your garden inside the house during the cold season, you will be able to enjoy fresh herbs year-round! However, make sure to place your Radix module in a sunny place (around 6 to 8 hours of sunshine per day) or opt for a plant growing lamp.

Plant invasive herbs (like mint) separately! If you are a fan of mint, we recommend that you choose a large pot that will be devoted entirely to this herb.

Tips & tricks


If you decide to use our Radix module as a flower box, be sure to select flowers that are suitable for the sun conditions in the location where you want to place your planter. Ask your local dealer if your favourite flowers prefer the sun (more than 8 hours of sunshine), partial shade (4 to 8 hours of sunshine) or shade (2 to 4 hours of sunshine).

Here are our favourites for each type of sunlight requirement:

  • Sun: lobelia, snapdragons and geraniums
  • Sun and partial shade: daffodils and pansies
  • Partial shade and shade: azaleas and hydrangeas
  • For all types of sunlight requirements: petunias

If you prefer a mixture of flowers and fruits, tomatoes and marigolds are a great match: in addition to creating a super colourful result, these flowers will protect your tomatoes from unwanted insects!

Why choose the Radix urban planter?

Our planter:

  • Is handcrafted in Montreal with unvarnished white oak.
  • Contains a galvanized steel tub perfect for growing flowers, herbs, vegetables, succulents and other plants.
  • Includes 2 electrostatic painted metal hooks to hang your gardening accessories and 1 or 2 wooden slat shelves.
  • Is weather resistant.
  • Can be moved indoors during the winter to match your other coquo modules.

In addition to looking great, galvanized steel withstands cold and heat well, and is durable and robust. Raised planters also offer no-bend gardening while protecting your plants from animals (goodbye, groundhog!) and parasites like slugs—and can be moved depending on the amount of sun your plants need.

How should I prepare my steel tub for gardening?

All Radix urban planters have a container that allows excess water to drain from the steel tub. To empty the excess water, simply close the valve located under the tub, then remove the container.

In order to allow even more efficient drainage, we suggest that you opt for this easy method before using your Radix planter for the first time:

  1. Add a layer of gravel, stones or broken pieces of pottery to the bottom of the planter.
  2. Add a layer of landscape or geotextile fabric to separate the soil from the gravel.
  3. Add the potting mix. Do not use garden soil; potting mix is specially designed for pots (like our galvanized steel tub) and promotes adequate ventilation and drainage.

We wish you bountiful harvests and an amazing summer!